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Research Overview

My research investigates how diverse backgrounds shape workplace dynamics in global contexts, with three main streams: 1. Multicultural experiences, 2. Leadership, and 3. Generative AI.


Across these areas, I investigate how individual differences and diverse backgrounds influence perceptions, interactions, and outcomes. My dissertation, consisting of three interconnected papers, examines how returnees' international experiences affect how colleagues and friends at home perceive and interact with them. In leadership research, I explored how individual characteristics moderate the relationship between leadership positions and well-being. My work on Generative AI focuses on gender differences in evaluations of AI usage.

Through experimental, survey, and archival studies, I seek to help organizations and individuals better understand and leverage diversity in our increasingly diverse and interdependent world.

Multicultural Experiences
  • Feng, Z., Newark, D., & Chang, J. W. The Impact of Multicultural Experiences on Perceived Home Country Identification and Trust (R&R in process; title redacted)

  • Feng, Z. The dark side of "becoming a local" abroad upon return: Foreign cultural adoption and social categorization in the home country. (Data collection)

  • Feng, Z., & Maddux, W. Envied and Averted: How returnees' multicultural experiences lead to compatriots' identity threats. (Field data collection)


(Image by DALL·E 3)

  • Feng, Z., Netchaeva, E., & Yao, J. (Equal authorship) Leadership roles, individual differences, and physical health outcomes. (Preparing for submission; title redacted)


(Image by Vlada Karpovich on Pexels)

Generative AI & Diversity
  • Feng, Z. & Morozova, D. Bits, Bytes, and Beliefs: Navigating the Gendered Land- scape of AI Integration. (Data collection)


(Image by Canva Studio on Pexels)

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